"Bernhard Wesely" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hi List,
> Ich have a problem printing from a Windows machine to a Samba-server running
> CUPS as printer daemon.
> The printer connected is a "HP LaserJet 4".
> CUPS accepts the printjob from the NT machine, and knows what filters to
> apply.
> But then CUPS says in the webinterface, that the job was aborted, and writes
> the following in the error log:
> Job 256 queued on 'HP_Laserjet_4' by 'USERNAME'.
> I [22/Mar/2001:10:12:57 +0100] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/hpgltops
> (PID 2068) for job 256.
> I [22/Mar/2001:10:12:57 +0100] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops
> (PID 2069) for job 256.
> I [22/Mar/2001:10:12:57 +0100] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 2070) for job 256.
> I [22/Mar/2001:10:12:57 +0100] Started filter
> /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertohp (PID 2071) for job 256.
> I [22/Mar/2001:10:12:57 +0100] Started backend
> /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 2072) for job 256.
> E [22/Mar/2001:10:12:58 +0100] PID 2071 stopped with status 1!
> E [22/Mar/2001:10:12:58 +0100] No pages found!
> What does this mean?
> (My first thought "no pages found" wasn't right,.....->  there is paper in
> the tray) :-))
> CUPS is version 1.1.6 and Samba is version 2.0.7-3
> My smb.conf looks like this:
> ------------------------------------------
> [global]
>    printing = cups
>    load printers = yes
>    guest account = guest
>    invalid users = root
>    security = user
> [printers]
>   path = /var/spool/cups
>   print ok = yes
>   printing = cups
>   load printers = yes
>   guest ok = yes
> --------------------------------------
> Has anyone an idea?
> Thanks in advance,
> Bernie

Try this in smb.conf:

   printing = cups
   printcap name = cups
   load printers = yes
   print command = lpr -r -oraw -P%p %s

and install the required printer driver on the windows machines.


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