There is no particular order for installing any windows / linux config. BUT
... (taratatata)
If you install Linux first and have installed LILO into the MBR (i believe
any) windows installation later on will simply clear the MBR so you'll be
unable to boot into Linux but you system will default boot into Windows. 

---> Keep a Boot diskette handy (AND working) at all time to resolve this :
remove LiLo and reinstall LiLo

With windows 2000 (NT is friendlier) things get more complicated since these
versions use their own bootloader and it's a pest. I had to install windows
2000 and configure a third-party bootmanager to be able to still boot into
Linux (powerquest to the rescue). Lilo and the win2k bootloader decided to
bit each others tails and there was no easy way to solve this (i mean a 30
second solution). I KNOW there are ways to multi-boot win2k and linux easily
but it's a mess to set this up since win2k is a bootloader fascist by nature
and yes this evolution (hint win98 was quite 'natural'). I guess that if you
use the win2k bootloader to boot the linux /boot or / partition (depends on
your setup) you'll be happy ever after but i'm not very confident it will be
an easy thing to do.

To put it mildly, if you don't need win2k don't use it, it's rather
*cough,cough* good and _seemed_ well built but it's not needed if just in
need for some windows specific gizmo's like games and or :-( a canon d660u



-----Original Message-----
From: Darryl Rthering [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: donderdag 22 maart 2001 14:18
Subject: Re: coexistence with Windows 2000

Casper, et. al.:

Sorry I got distracted from this thread.

If I am understanding this lilo.conf properly, I have a question and would 
appreciate comments on my rough plan to install, to see if I am missing 
something or if it should work. TIA for the help.

(1) When the lilo.conf points to /dev/hda1 , and when I select this Windows 
boot from the set of boot choices, does it then invoke automatically the 
boot.ini found in my c root drive? Does it know what to invoke in order to 
bring up the Windows software? Do I still get the choices to bring it up in 
safe mode, etc.?

(2) My tentative plan for adding in Debian.
    current partitioning of Windows 2000
    a. harddisk C: 2G NTFS w Windows 2000 installed here
                D: 2G FAT32
    b. use FIPS to get windows 2000 out of the end of the C drive
    c. repartition C: drive
       I want to get C:  ~ 1G w/ windows 2000
                     swap: 500 Meg
                     linux root: remainder ~ 1G
    d. install Debian
    e. edit lilo.conf to make sure it points an option to my windows
    f. run lilo.
    g. reboot.

The only thing that gives me pause on this plan is Dieter's comment that he 
is running both Potato & Windows, but that he "had" to install Debian first 
and doesnt know how to alter the installation sequence. If there is no way 
to do this, then I will have to reinstall windows 2000, I guess. Any 


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