albi wrote:
> > I have an old 286/386 notebook that's not much good and since I can't
> > load Linux on it, I need to put DOS. Anyone got a DOS boot disk I can
> > transnfer the OS over with? Or can I use FreeDOS, and if so, how?
> i don't quite get your plan,

Thanks for getting back to me.

The machine has no OS and here in France I don't have access to my old
DOS disks. What I need is just to boot in DOS, so a boot disk with to transfer the system, of and as well.

Or, a fully functional base DOS I can install on the notebook. In which
case, is there one for free on the net I can download and slap on

> but if you would like to run DOS on that machine,
> i think Caldera's DOS is much more advanced than FreeDOS

I just need to boot.

> i happen to have DR.DOS 6 and Novell DOS 7 myself,
> and i did try Caldera's OpenDOS 7.03 and i also tried FreeDOS
> a while ago

See, I need an old MS or DR DOS...

> btw, i guess you know how to make a 
> bootdisk from an downloadable image ?

Using winimage, yes! Otherwise, er, instructions particular to this

Any help appreciated in getting this thing up and running. I don't need
any of the other DOS apps. Just something to format and boot and
trasnfer the sys file to the hard disk. I can then boot and run vim,
getting some use out of the thing.



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