Quoting Sebastiaan ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> I am looking for a fifo device. I need a device where I can store some
> data, and read it with another program, and deleter the existing data
> (just a fifo stream device).
> Looking in the kernel documentation, I found rtl* devices, realtime linux
> fifo devices with major 150 and minor 0..., but after creating these
> devices, the kernel complains that there is no such device. And I can not
> find it in the kernel configuration.

That's because linux isn't a realtime OS. The numbers are just to
register them as used.

> I did some search on the internet and ran onto RT Linux. It seems that the
> devices are made for this project. All I need are the fifo modules.
> Does anyone know anything about this, how I can get these devices
> working?

By running RTLinux, I suspect.

> Or other devices that can be used as a fifo?

If storage is a requirement, you should look at the toy examples of
device drivers used in linux books (and seek the source from their
publisher's web site). This is the kind of device that is popular for
people to play at programming with, without having to invest in a real
piece of hardware.


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