On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 09:32:16PM +0200, Andrea Vettorello wrote:
> "Jake R. Johnson" wrote:
> > I have some really large wav files...120minutes and I would like to chop
> > it into 6 single files so that i have 6 tracks on a cd.  How can i do
> > this?
> Maybe with "dd" or with "split", i have only used "split" long time ago on
> Solaris, and it was useful with text file, not binary file, don't know about 
> the
> GNU version...
split can handle binary files, just use -b to specify byte size. I
don't think wav will like that though, try using sox to convert them
to 'raw' first, then split, then convert to wav again. since wav needs
some header info, you can't just split them

> Name:           Alson van der Meulen      <
> Personal:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]       <
> School:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    <
Do you really need your home directory to do any work?

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