Brendan J Simon wrote:
> I'm considering mirroring Debian for our company.  I'd like to know how
> much diskspace I would require.  Can someone tell me the size of the
> following Debian Distros.  Is there a webpage with this information ??
> Is it automagically updated ???

I mirror debian, debian-non-US, and Ivan's KDE work for i386 and alpha. 
Here's today's stats:

113$ du -h --max-depth 2 .
5.3G    ./debian/pool
7.0G    ./debian/dists
3.8M    ./debian/doc
3.1M    ./debian/indices
668k    ./debian/tools
12k     ./debian/project
12G     ./debian
84M     ./debian-non-US/dists
192k    ./debian-non-US/indices-non-US
158M    ./debian-non-US/pool
12k     ./debian-non-US/project
242M    ./debian-non-US
12k     ./debian-kde/project
296M    ./debian-kde/debian
296M    ./debian-kde
13G     .  

If you'd like more precise info about my rsync inclusions and
exclusions, let me know.

GPG and other info at:

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