On Thu, Mar 29, 2001 at 06:32:29PM +0200, Alexis Roda wrote:
| D-Man wrote:
| >
| > Perl uses lots of operators and allows one to write code that is
| > _very_ compact, to the point of unreadability and unmaintainability
| > (IMO).
| You can write obfuscated programs with any language, even with python.
| The programmer should use the language (any language, not just perl or
| python) resources judiciously to improve readability and
| maintainability.

This is true, though I've found obfuscated python to be rather
difficult to create due to it's indentation rules (whitespace is
significant).  However, someone on c.l.py used parenthesis to work
around the rules and made a cute program that printed a christmas
tree, but only after christmas, not before.  Check the mailing list's
archives if you want to see it.

| > Python is very OO while perl follows the more procedural traditions of
| > it's ancestors , sed awk sh and C.
| Perl allows one to write both procedural and OO programs. Perl OO model
| is very simple, flexible and powerful.

I've heard that perl added an object model recently, and I've also
heard that it isn't very good.  Both are hearsay as I have no
experience with perl's object model.  I think someone once said that
perl tried to follow python's object model as an example, but again
that is not a hard fact.


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