> On Mar 29 01:31, Shaul Karl wrote:
> > You might start with examining /var/lib/dpkg/available* and
> > /var/backups/dpkg.status.* in order to determine what exactly were changed.
> Im following this thread since I myself is looking for a way to backtrack
> changes in the system done by APT and dpkg. I know about the available* and
> status* files in /var/lib/dpkg but I didnt know about the /var/backups
> files. But when Im checking this directory I doesnt find any dpkg.status.*
> files. All the files that exists in my /var/backups directory is:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/backups$ l
> total 17
> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Sep  3  2000 ./
> drwxr-xr-x   16 root     root         1024 Jun  3  2000 ../
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          586 Mar  1 03:44 group.bak
> -rw-r-----    1 root     shadow        434 Mar  1 03:44 gshadow.bak
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         2571 Sep  2  2000 inetd.conf.bak
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         2632 Sep  1  2000 inetd.conf.bak.0
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          930 Aug 24  2000 inetd.conf.bak.1.gz
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          952 Aug 12  2000 inetd.conf.bak.2.gz
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          924 Jan 29  2000 inetd.conf.bak.3.gz
> -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         1624 Mar  1 03:44 passwd.bak
> -rw-r-----    1 root     shadow        999 Mar  1 03:44 shadow.bak
> -rw-------    1 root     root          133 Dec 27  1999 smbpasswd.bak
> Im using dpkg ( and apt (0.5.3).
> -- 
> * John Ericson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> * web: http://john.pp.se

I do not recall I have made any config in order to have the backup in 
/var/backups. Maybe this is only in woody and up? Perhaps you have a dual boot 
machine and that keeps the backups from being made?

The only other thing that I can say at the moment is:

    [08:16:32 /tmp]$ cmp /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/backups/dpkg.status.0
    [08:16:59 /tmp]$ 
        Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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