On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 08:37:00AM -0500, Mark H. Wood wrote:
> On Thu, 29 Mar 2001, Jake R. Johnson wrote:
> > how do i install ncurses?
> atp-get install <package that has ncurses in it>
> How to discover the name of <package that has ncurses in it> is the
> question for which I currently have no good answer.  Scrolling through
> 6900 packages in dselect takes too much time and is too error prone (at
> least, when *I* do it).  So far the best I've found is:
> grep Package:.*ncurses /var/lib/dpkg/available | less
> which at least gives me a list of only packages whose names contain
> "ncurses".
> There's probably a much nicer way to do this, and if so I'd appreciate a
> documentation pointer.

i've approached a handful of just that type of method in my intro
at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/newbiedoc/files/apt-get-intro.html

section 12, 'which package contains...'

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