On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 01:37:41PM -0800, paul taylor wrote:

|ALSO if you bring down yast1 in rpm format theoretically alien can convert
|it to debian. I don't know if it will actaully work but it was a great tool
|in suse. ( there also might be a copywrite issue)

Why do you want to do that. RPM are not quite good for debian, because, the
directory-structure under debian and suse are different.

I don't think, it is a good idea to install yast from suse on debian.

You are able to install nics quite easy.
You have to edit /etc/network/interfaces, you have to put there youre IP, IP
of the gateway, submask ... and then only a "ifconfig eth0" will initialize
your NICS. (Have a look in the manuals)

For me, it is a bit faster as yast :-)

One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic

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