Hello All,

I installed wu-ftpd and said 'no' to setting it up right now. I could then 
stop it manually with /etc/init.d/wu-ftpd stop. Starting also worked fine. 
Later I wanted to set it up and couldn't find the script to run that brings 
up the setup questions, and dpkg-reconfigure wu-ftpd didn't work either. So I 
purged it, re-installed, and then went through the setup. I am using a 
Linksys Cable/DSL router and had to put a line in /etc/ftpaccess like this 
(in case it makes any difference)   passive address   Now when I 
try to stop it with the above manual command, nothing happens. Anyone got any 
ideas? Another interesting thing is that my friend who was testing it for me 
couldn't get on to it with 'leapftp' or MS Internet Explorer 5.5 until I put 
the 'passive address' line in. But he could get on and download/upload stuff 
just fine with an old version of CuteFTP... he said it was dated 1996. I 
found that to be interesting.


Jimmy Richards

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