
I recently tried to compile a new kernel (2.2.18pre21) on my machine. I used the instructions in "Compiling a new kernel" from "Installing Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 For Intel x86" document:


But something probably went wrong because I compiled my sound driver as a module and tried to insert it and it gives me the error message:

bash-2.03# insmod ./es1371.o
./es1371.o: kernel-module version mismatch
        ./es1371.o was compiled for kernel version 2.2.18pre21
        while this kernel is version 2.2.17.

The kernel intallation package did exist after cinfiguring it and runnung make-kpkg clean and fakeroot make-kpkg revision=blah.1.0 kernel_image. Upon installing the package said it was going to use my current lilo.conf to make the new kernel bootable. I hope this is enough and not too redundant info. Can someone help me figuering out what is wrong and how to fix it?

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