On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 12:07:12AM -0300, Sergio E . Schvezov wrote:
> well rob, your right, i've got /dev/hda5 mounted on /var.


> okay here's what i want to know, is there a way to force it into suspend 
> state?
> or not 2 make it write to /var when it's in that mode (suspend)

I played with this a couple years ago, couldn't get it to work, and
gave up.  I now run setiathome and use my computer's down time to
search for intelligent life; I've decided that $.25 a day (200W at a
nickel a kilowatt-hour) is a power bill I can live with.  If it's a
laptop there might be more support, but I don't know anything about


There is Jackson standing like a stone wall.  Let us determine to die,
and we will conquer.  Follow me.
                -- General Barnard E. Bee (CSA)

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