Andrea Vettorello wrote:

> Philipp Bliedung wrote:
> > I tried to set up the sound, but didn't get it to work. I always got
> > this in /var/syslog this:
> >
> > /var/log/syslog
> > .....
> > Apr  1 19:13:36 laptop modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > sound-slot-0
> > Apr  1 19:13:36 laptop modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > sound-service-0-3
> > .....
> >
> > so I added this to my /etc/modules.conf
> >
> > /etc/modules.conf
> > alias sound   snd
> > alias snd   snd-card-opl3sa2
> > alias sound-slot-0 opl3sa2
> > options opl3sa2 dma=1 dma2=0  io=0x538 mpu_io=ox330 mss_io=0x530 irq=7
> > options opl3 io=0x388
> >
> > Now I only get this in /var/log/syslog:
> >
> > Apr  1 19:13:36 laptop modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module
> > sound-service-0-3
> >
> > I don't know what to add to /etc/modules.conf  for this to go away.
> > I RTFM (/usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/Introduction and OPL3-SA2,
> > etc.) and it said something about these kind of errors, but I didn't
> > understand it.
> > Can anybody give me a hint on this?
> >
> In /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/Introduction, starting at line 389, you
> will find (quoting)
> " will request "sound-service-0-n" where n
> is
>   0     Mixer
>   2     MIDI
>   3, 4  DSP audio
> ..."
> so, this is looking for the module that provide the DSP, you should add
> somewhere in your /etc/modutils directory (addition to /etc/modules.conf will 
> be
> lost next time you reboot or next time the update-module script will run...)
> something like this:
> alias sound-slot-0-3  name_of_module_that_provide_DSP
> Hope this could help
> Andrea

Sorry for these maybe stupid questions, but what modulle provides DSP?? how can 
find out?
here is one more thing :/

any sound configuration tool doesn't seem to to detect any sound card. This is 
I get:

kernel: opl3sa2: No cards found.
kernel: opl3sa2: 0 PnP card(s) found.
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-0
last message repeated 54 times
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-3
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-0
last message repeated 69 times

But I have the isapnp tool installed and the kernel has pnp suport compiled in!

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