Roberto Diaz wrote:
> I am sending this here because according to I and the whole
> dynamic dns users are spammers just because we are using dynamic ip's.
> I want all the debian mail relay's administrators be very aware about
> this.

can't win it all. the amount of spam blocked by blocking dynamic ips
outnumbers legit mail probably by several hundred to 1. ISPs don't
take the responsibility most of the time to restrict outgoing mail
to their servers(ive worked at a few so i know this from the inside),
dynamic ips should NOT be allowed to send mail, there should be stuff
in the router or firewall or whatever to prevent this. because most
isps do not do this people have to resort to blocking all dynamic

this causes an inconvience for some, but thats how it is, can't make
everyone happy. if places like maps stop blocking dynamic ips there
would probably be an even greater number of people crying out to
re instate the blocks. just have to live with it.

i suggest finding a new isp if they are blacklisted.


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