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On Tue, 3 Apr 2001, Kevin Stokes wrote:

>  My apologies for stupid question, I've known nothing but Microsoft stuff
>until yesterday.  After much learning, I finally got debian to the point
>where APT was almost configured when I ran out of disk space.  Reason:
>   I wanted to have three partitions on my D: drive for Linux.  One was
>going to be for the root only, which I alloted 65mb for.   Another 1150mb
>partition was for /usr, /var and everything else.  Lastly was another 65mb
>partition for swap.
>   However, if I make the first partition the root, and then choose /usr for
>the 2nd partition, it then puts /var, /home and /tmp in the little root
>partition.   I don't want to have seperate partitions for each of these,
>because that would waste too much of my limited hd space.
>  Is there a way to have the root in my small partition, and all the others
>(except for the swap) in a different partition?

symlinks.  Make the directories in /usr then link them to the real

mkdir /usr/var
cp -r /var /usr/var
ln -s /usr/var /var
mkdir /usr/home
cp -r /home /usr/home
ln -s /usr/home /home

tmp is a special case: most things look for a global variable $TMPDIR that
first looks for /tmp, then /usr/tmp, depending on available space.

>    Many thanks to those who have already helped me; I finally got my
>internet access working with a static IP address; I could not get DCHP to
>work even though the Windows machines on my LAN manage to get their IP's
>assigned automatically.
>However, it works and can find www.debian.org now, so it will work to
>download the rest of Linux hopefully, once I can work out the partition
>Kevin Stokes
>Pie in the Sky Software

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