On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 09:12:00PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> If I empty my pubring.gpg to empty file, gpg ask keyserver and can not
> get signiture checked.  I checked with 
> keyserver search.keyserver.net
> keyserver wwwkeys.us.pgp.net
> keyserver pgp.ai.mit.edu
> None works.  It is not just my address but all others too.  Of course I
> can check signiture is I put my old pubring.gpg back in the place so
> system is functional.  Anyone has idea???
> I did check with keyserver.net web page and I can see my sig there.
> Some DoS attack??? on key server???  Following is example of key
> checking result.

keyserver.net has issues, i use pgp.ai.mit.edu personally,
keyserver.net uses a new proprietary keyserver software.

Ethan Benson

Attachment: pgpEZ6HDnPUDC.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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