----- Forwarded message from Oliver Elphick <olly@lfix.co.uk> -----

From: "Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk>
Subject: Question re DGA extension
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2001 12:00:24 +0100


I'm running xserver-xfree86 4.0.2-13 on a Matrox Millenium card

I'm trying to discover how to enable DGA (of whose lack Vmware is
complaining), but I haven't yet found much that is relevant on the web
and nothing at all in any Debian documentation, except the dga program
in xbase-clients.

I see that Connectiva have an rpm for Matrox cards for 4.0.1.  Is this
likely to help? (but if so, why isn't there a Debian version?) or do I need 
do something in XF86Config-4?

Oliver Elphick                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
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     "Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is  
      stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee."   
                                        Isaiah 26:3  

----- End forwarded message -----

G. Branden Robinson             |      One man's "magic" is another man's
Debian GNU/Linux                |      engineering.  "Supernatural" is a
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              |      null word.
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |      -- Robert Heinlein

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