> > I want to save some real files, but this option is not allowed when you
> > run real player, is there any way of doing it? I figure dumping or
> > piping it, what would be the way of calling the executable for real
> > player from command line?
> Not for streaming realaudio files (*.ra).  Most *.ram files *can* be
> saved.
> There was a utility out a few years back which was supposed to allow
> saving a RealAudio stream to disk.  It did this, IIRC, by running
> interference between rplayer and your audio device.  Unfortunately, I
> could only ever save about ten seconds of audio before it would lock up
> or quit.

hm. not sure if this is the same thing, but there is / was something 
called streambox vcr. unfortunately, it's windows-only, and isn't 
being maintained (AFAIK) and is hard to find because, well, Real sued 
them. heh.

you might have as much luck complaining to whoever runs the site to 
use a different (more open) codec. ;)

Mike McGuire

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