Quoting Raghavendra Bhat ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Michael A. Miller posts:
> > I've just added a win98 partition to a debian machine

Sorry, I missed this as you'd threaded it onto an unrelated thread.
Try using send, rather than replying and modifying the subject.

> Adding a Win 9x partition has nothing to do with the
> Debian system you have.  Why are you coming to the 
> conclusion that 1+5=7 without doing some research first ?

Of course it does. If you start running a M$ OS, then you
need to change the way you run the linux clock if it's UTC.

> > I've changed "UTC=yes" to "UTC=no" in /etc/default/rcS,

> Changing the default startup scripts is not advised.  Do
> not do that without knowing what you want to do ?

/etc/default/rcS isn't a startup script - it just sets the
defaults required by the system administrator.

> I am not going to give you a direct answer but provide you
> with pointers.  Read the man pages for date, hwclock and
> read the Debian Policy Manual.


> > but my system is still getting changed back to utc.  
> > Can anyone point me to what else needs to be adjusted?

What's most likely to catch you out is that the system clock
is written back to the hardware clock when you shut down.
This will give you an hour of difference at boot time

If you're running adjtime, you need to delete /etc/adjtime or
the clock might start gradually running faster or slower because
it thinks it lost/gained an hour.

The script to look at is /etc/init.d/hwclock.sh and has
some comments for guidance. Oh, and before you start, make sure
that M$ has completed its alteration after the last DST clock change.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
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