Hello. I'm having some trouble installing an Xproxy in my system, can someone give some (ANY) ideas?
This is what I want to do: I have a COW (Cluster of Workstations) in a private subnet, and a gateway to connect them all to the outside world (in this case our Faculty net). I want to give access to the COW to all/some of our teachers through the gateway, using X. As 99% of them are using some version of Windows (95,98,NT,2000), the connection will be through some X client, like X-Win32, or similar. I've installed xdm on the gateway machine, and configure it to serve xdm through the net using XDMCP. This way the clients can connect to the gateway machine and the xdm login screen is shown on the client and allows the user to login. But this is not what I want, because I don't want the user to login to the gateway, but to some/any workstation inside the COW. I've played around with lbxproxy/xfwp/proxymngr and can't figure how they are supposed to work. So this is what I want: The client (mainly using Windows) should connect to the COW. But between them is a gateway/firewall. How can I configure the gateway so that is allows the X connections to pass through? Please don't say RTFM, as I've read all I've found. If anyone can give more specific answers, I would be very gratefull. Thanks. pmguerre