On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 04:33:55PM +0200, Govaere Jan wrote:
> I try an debian install in expert mode but i don't know how to confogure the
> ethernet card. It's a compaq. Before, i was working on a Mandrake and all
> was automatic !

1) What brand/model is the card?
   If you're not sure, the following might help:
   - If you're also running Windows, what does it identify the card as?
   - running lspci *may* shed some insight if all else fails

2) Is it detected at startup?
   - 'dmesg | grep eth0' will probably tell you if it is.

3) (if it *IS* detected at startup) What does /sbin/ifconfig say about the

4) What kind of network are you on?  (Cable modem, DSL, LAN, etc...
Basically we need to know what protocol you use to get your network configs
(dhcp, bootp, etc...) or if you have a static config)

Basically, if the card isn't detected at startup, it means that you'll need
to search out drivers for it, or possibly recompile the kernel.

If it is detected at startup, and it shows up in ifconfig, it's just a
matter of getting your network settings in there.  /etc/network/interfaces
is your friend =)  The type of network you're on will determine what
settings you need to put in there.


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