On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 02:02:05AM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> I prefer to leave raw function keys to low-level functions -- menus,
> etc.

Good point.  That's why I leave F1-8 free, but the only conflict I've
had with F9/F10 has been with running MS Visual C++ over a VNC session,
which is a flavor of pain I will never have to endure again anyhow.

> I think Debian maps the Legacy MS
> Windows key to Meta or somesuch.

I don't know about Debian in general, but wmakerconf has a dropdown
that lets you pick whether Meta is tied to Mod1 (Alt) or Mod4 (WinKey).
The one problem with it is that, on every keyboard I've tried, Mod4 only
maps to the left winkey; I haven't been able to come up with anything
to make the right winkey equivalent or even usable (it gets seen as a
sequence instead of a single keystroke).  Not that I've tried very hard...

> Well, one reason is that if I try to install wmakerconf, apt tries to
> uninstall wmaker.  A config tool without what it configures sorta sucks.
> This under Woody.

Actually, wmakerconf itself installs fine.  It's wmakerconf-data that has
the inexplicable conflict.  (OK, not really inexplicable - the updated
wmakerconf-data has moved into testing, but the corresponding wmaker is
still hung up in unstable.  But I thought that packages which conflict
with the version in testing were supposed to stay in unstable until that
gets fixed...)

> What's wmakerconf do that WPrefs doesn't?

Mostly just a lot of checkboxes for various settings that, admittedly,
aren't very important.  WPrefs is functionally complete, but wmakerconf
has more knobs to twiddle.  I also like to play with my window decorations
from time to time and WPrefs doesn't seem to offer as many options there
- not just fonts, but also multistage gradients, etc.  And I can't seem
to get WPrefs to let me set anything other than textures; plain colors
refuse to cooperate.

IIRC, the thing that really got me, though, was that at one point the
'capture' option for setting hotkeys recognized the winkey as a meta
in wmakerconf, but WPrefs completely ignored it.  Checking against the
current version from woody, I see that WPrefs now sees left winkey-1
as Mod2+Mod4+1.  (Right winkey, all by itself, comes through as
Mod2+Multi_key, so it still appears unusable.  Ah, well.)

> One thing WMPrefs *is* is a NeXT-like GNUStep application, using the
> GNUStep toolkit.  There's not a lot of these apps, the somewhat broken
> filesystem browser fsviewer is one of them.  In the case of WMPrefs v.
> wmakerconf, I find WMPref's interface cleaner.

Fair enough.  WPrefs does look a lot cleaner and a lot nicer.

That's not gibberish...  It's Linux. - Byers, The Lone Gunmen
Geek Code 3.1:  GCS d? s+: a- C++ UL++$ P++>+++ L+++>++++ E- W--(++) N+ o+
!K w---$ O M- V? PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5++ X+ R++ tv b+ DI++++ D G e* h+ r y+

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