On Friday 13 April 2001 03:44, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
>     Hey people. We just put Debian 2.2r2 on my wife's new computer. She's
> using an nvidia Aladdin TNT2 integrated video card. I used the SVGA server.
> It works fine, but the refresh rate is horrible. It's jerky, lagging, very
> hard to use.
>     Would that just be caused by the monitor's settings, or something else?

It's caused by the settings in /etc/X11/XF86Config, which is the product of 
the configuration procedure you're supposed to do when you install the X 
server. You can try to configure it again. Or you can upgrade to the latest 
version of X. It's not hard and maybe your problems will magically disappear.

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