On Fri, 13 Apr 2001, Brian Nelson wrote:
> Do you guys think this is something worth pursuing?  A project like
> this would only be successful if it had the support of the Debian
> community.  Does something like this already started that I'm not aware
> of?

I think this is an excellent idea; it would be a very useful addition to
the existing Debian documentation.

I'm also a relative newcomer to Debian (I started with this distro in
January, after about a year with Red Hat and Mandrake).  Although it seems
that my recollections of the first installation are not quite as clear as
yours, I would be very happy to contribute to this project (assuming
you're looking for volunteers).

I also think a section on the differences between stable, testing and
unstable would be useful, along with some advice on who should use which.

David Steinberg                             -o)
Computer Engineering Undergrad, UBC         / \
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                _\_v

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