Mark Hurley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > May I suggest you use ntp or ntpdate instead.  They keep the time nicely
> > synchronized, no time lapse either way.
> Hey you brought up a very good point.  But can you confirm something for me?
> I have had ntpd and ntpdate install for awhile.  Only using ntpd.
> Recently (last night) I decided to read up on ntpdate.
> Correct me if I'm wrong.  ntp allows receiving (setting host computer
> time/date) and broadcasting (a lot of options) of date/time to
> internal (or external) lan.
> ntpdate ONLY acts as a client.  Setting the (host) with the correct
> date/time.

I use ntpdate and ntpd out-of-the box (basically) and it does ntpdate
at every system reboot (during all the init.d scripts) and afterwards
ntpd is started to keep the time up-to-date (actually, it should read
up-to-time, I would say... :-) and my wife's computer happy with the
same: first ntpdate, then ntpd.

> Yes I did cheat and read the description in apt-cache.  And I did read
> *some* of ntp-doc.

Same here ;-).

Tschoe,                    Get my gpg-public-key here

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