I finally got some time and tried Opera out and its good.  Even better
than Netscape :-)  I think they are on the right track keeping the program
small and simple. I like it so much I have purchased it.

Thus spake Marcelo Chiapparini ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> OK:
> a) I am very sorry about sent a trivial email to hundred of people :(
> b) I tried *.org before and searched in the web too (obviously not in the 
> better way), and I didn't find anything :(
> c) I didn't know that opera was proprietary software, with this information 
> the *.com appears natural :P
> d) thanks a lot to the polite people who sent me the correct coordenates :)
Todd V. Rovito
Carpe Aptenodytes! ================ "Seize the Penguins!" 

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