
I have some questions. Forgive me if those questions were asked already (but
I don't have good possibilities to read regular mailing list or newsgroup).
I will very grateful if someone could answer my questions.

1) I know that 2.2r3 has been just released, but can't download iso images
now. I have 2.2r2 and I would like to make all security fix. I was on
security.debian.org and I don't know what should I download because there
are packages dated before 2.2r2 and after 2.2r2. Which packages should I
download? I would like to know two ways (first - manual - I can't use
apt-get and second - automatic - when I can use apt-get).

2) When I download iso images (2.2r3) how should I upgrade my Debian
(without overwritting conf files). I don't have good internet connection so
I can't use apt-get (in real time) but my friend could download iso at night
for me.

3) How should I configure exim to relay mails. People from my office want
send mails to anywhere and from anywhere (not only from office) and receive
mails from anybody.

4) And the last one. Not exactly debian problem. I have IMAP server (UW from
Debian). From linux and other machines/programs everything work properly but
from... MS Outlook sent mail couldn't be removed to "sent mail" folder. My
success was that I put linux server in corporate enviornment (only WinNT an
windows workstations). But people MUST use Outlook (corp standart). Outlook
is in regional version (Polish edition). My boss wants to remove linux
server from lan because people have some troubleshooting with this "sent
mail" folder. I thing that linux (exim+imap+pop3) is better mail server than
winNT. Maybe someone has met similar problem.

OK. That's all. I will be VERY VERY grateful for your help. Fourth problem is
different but I would like to have at least one linux machine in my lan.
I thank you in advance.

Mateusz Mazur

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