On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 03:38:59PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Having a problem installing the sound modules; sound.o, uart401.o,
> sb.o sb16.o, etc from the slink, v2.1 distribution cd's..
> Tried dpkg the ALSA binaries but still can't find the drivers
> anywhere..

I don't remember what state the sound driver stuff was in for slink, but
You should probably consider upgrading to Debian 2.2 (potato), the third
revision of which was just released a couple days ago.  Sound support is
one of those things where Linux is constantly making great strides, so
much is bound to have changed since slink.

To install ALSA, I have traditionally just downloaded the source for the
modules and installed it by hand.  I know it's possible to do it within
the Debian system, but installing it by hand worked well enough and was
easy enough that I never bothered to see how well it worked.  ALSA is
quite well documented.  Have a look at http://www.alsa-project.org/

Note that to build the alsa modules you'll need to either install the
full sources for your kernel or at least the kernel-headers package.


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