On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 07:33:21AM +0000, Joost van der Lugt wrote:
> Sorry for the repost, I changed the subject, just wondered if anybody
> knows what this means, trying to get this game to work for my
> daughter: )
> > Hi all,
> >
> > A question.  When trying to run a game I have last seen running in
> > Redhat 5.2 I get the following error:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ flying -pool flying: Game of
> > Pool/Snooker/Carrom/Hockey/Curling for X-Windows $Revision: 6.20 $
> > $Date: 1995/10/03 13:26:57 $ Author: Helmut Hoenig not enough
> > colors: I need 10 colors + 4 planes.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$
> >
> > I should be running 1024x768, 24 bit ...  Don't quite understand
> > this one.
> >
> > ( XFree 4.02, Potato and a half ( Progeny and KDE2.1 )

Despite the response by the game, I believe they will only run under 16
or 8 bit color.  It may be trying to get a writable color map, but this
is not possible under TrueColor (24/32 bits) where the color map is

Eric G. Miller <egm2@jps.net>

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