On 20 Apr 2001 09:59:21 -0700, Bruce Z. Lysik wrote:
> --On Friday, April 20, 2001 8:43 AM -0700 Michael O'Brien 
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm looking for a mail filtering program that runs on an imap server. I
> > read e-mail thru imap. I use mutt on Linux and Irix, and Outlook on Win2k.
> >
> > Essentially, I want to setup mail filters to route messages into other
> > imap folders based on some set of criteria.
> >
> > Does anyone know of a good program to do this type of filtering?
> Procmail.  I use it both at home, and work.  Good stuff.

Except it won't work with all IMAP servers; only those imap servers that
serve files that are writable by the user (i.e., UW imapd). The original
poster doesn't say what kind of imap server it is. Newer versions of
cyrus use the sieve language to do message filtering. That is what I
use, and it works well. If your imap server is UW, use procmail. I don't
know about other imap servers.

Dave Carrigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Seattle, WA, USA

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