Truthfully, I'm not sure - given that I use 2 email systems:

Personal mail: I use fetchmail to pop the mail off the server, and procmail
to filter it into various mailboxes.

Work mail: We have an IMAP server setup - which is (sortof) like doing email
like you would newsgroups - you download a message list, then select which
message to view - that message is then downloaded. You can access the IMAP
server from multiple clients, and always see the same inbox, whether you're
using mutt, netscape, or whatever client you choose.

POP, AFAIK, wasn't really meant to be used on a selective basis (although
you can always tell it not to remove mail from the server) - rather, it was
made to facilitate moving mail between a server and a client (note: i could
be wrong, but that's how I've always perceived it).  IMAP sounds like it
would be better suited to the situation you're in - although I don't know if
it's an option in your case. (some mail servers run both IMAP and POP - some
only one or the other)

If you have IMAP access to your mail, I'd suggest that.  (it seems like the
closest match to what you're looking for) Barring that, you may be able to
set up fetchmail to only download emails under a certain size at home, and
leave everything on the server - so that when you get to work, all the email
would download, including the large ones your home client skipped over.

Of course, it may be possible to do all this with mutt alone (it's extensible
beyond my current understanding ;) ) perhaps someone in a similar setup will
comment.  Otherwise, Google would be a good place to start searching.


On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 04:31:38PM +0100, Liam Ward wrote:
> Do any of these mail readers allow selective download from a POP 
> server? In other words, I want to view the message headers and choose 
> the ones I wish to download. I access my work mail from home and 
> sometimes get large attachments that I could choose not to download 
> when I'm dialing in from home.
> Pegasus for Win32 (which is free but not open source) does this very 
> nicely but I've switched to Debian at home now.
> Thanks,
> Liam
> On 24 Apr 2001, at 10:43, b3 wrote:
> > 
> > I have to second this.  mutt is OUTSTANDING.  It does have a small
> > learning curve, however, so be forewarned.  If you need any help
> > setting it up, there are PLENTY of mutt users on this list (including
> > myself) who would be willing to help.
> > 
> > -b3
> > 
> > On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 08:28:25AM -0600, ray p wrote:
> > > The same mail client I use everywhere mutt or course.
> > > On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 03:50:08PM +0200, Ales Jerman wrote:
> > > > Which X Mail clent to use under FVWM2?
> > > > Thanks!
> > > > Bye,
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Ale?
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
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> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > Random numbers are to computers what freewill is to humans. RAH I'm
> > > afraid it is you who are mistaken about a great many things.
> > > Palpatine
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact
> > 
> > 
> > 
> Liam Ward
> DV4
> t: +353 1 672 7250
> w:
> -- 
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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