Quoting Pad Bambury ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > > someone, somehow at my workplace left a gnome session

> Hey Richard,
> thanks for the advice.  Must confess serious newbie
> status however and am very chary of messing stuff up. 
> How would I find the pid exactly?  Say the user acc
> was called jeff.  Should I 
> 1. shell in under my own acc
> 2.  then su to jeff? or just run ps aux?
> Have done so, and ps aux seems only to give status up
> until Apr 20, 3 days before session started, and for
> recent processes today.  Not even sure of what to look
> for exactly.
> In other words the command "last" shows the user jeff
> still logged in, but ps aux gives no processes for

I don't run gnome, but presumably there's an X server running
that you could kill. I'd start with kill -1 (SIGHUP) or
kill -15 (SIGTERM) to start with as they're gentler that -9
(SIGKILL). In addition, gnome is probably running gdm (which
you login graphically with). You could try killing this.

You say you go in remotely. I don't know if you've locked the
screen, but try Ctl-Alt-F1 or Ctl-Alt-F2 to see if you get
a console login screen. Normally X runs on a high virtual
console like 7, leaving 6 text ones - gnome might be different.

ps ax

 5067 ?        S     12:41 X :0 -auth /home/foo/.Xauthority
 5071 tty1     S      0:37 /usr/X11R6/bin/fvwm2

5067: the X server
5071: the window manager
Sorry, I don't have a display manager (*dm).

The user concerned should be able to kill the X server,
gdm might need root - I don't know.


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Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
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