"Lewis, James M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > I am using apsfilter CVS version, and I have set up RECODE
> > options as follows:
> > RAW_PROLOGUE='\033&k2G\033&l2E\033&a2L\033(s1Q'
> > RAW_EPILOGUE='\033&l1H'
> > meaning that these escape codes are sent to the printer
> > before and after the file to be printed.
> > 
> > I've tried to replace \033&l1H by \014 in RAW_EPILOGUE,
> > but it does not change anything.
> > 
> You might try
>    \033&l0H        #eject page
> (esc & el zero H)
> or
>    \033E\033%-12345X        # printer reset and universal language exit

Both options have no effect.

Any idea ?

I'd really like to have a fast, rough text printer (converting ASCII to PS
before printing is simply to slow :-(


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