On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 12:37:25AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ----- F
> I can't imagine that you can't do a straight(startup/install) boot from the
> CD, so going on from that assumption:
>      Boot frm CD into install
>      exit to shell
>      fsck primary linux part(hda2?)  - if that's usable go on, if not your
>      make mount point  ( I use /tmp/root or the like)
>      mount primary linux
>      From here on its more free form:
>      -,  save what data you absolutely need to floppy
>      - might try undoing last step : or
>      free up some space the normal way (deleting stuff you can get along
> without for a short while)

 especially stuff in /var/cache.  dpkg --purge could help here, on big
unneeded packages.  Or, you could rm -rf some of /usr/share/doc, and
reinstall the packages later.

 Unless you have filesystem damage, or you screwed up your partition table,
it should be possible to restore everything to the way it should be.  (I
skimmed some of the original message, so I might have missed something.)  As
long as apt still works, you shouldn't have problems.  debsums can help you
track down packages with screwed up files.  (using the contents of
/var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list with some shell scripting can get you a list of
packages with missing files.)

 BTW, after booting off a CD or floppy, chroot(8) is your friend.  As long
as a shell binary and libc are working, you're set.  Another handy command
is openvt(1).

>      maybe try copying  the modules from the CD to the /target/lib/modules
> dir for the 2.2.17
> Hope this helps.
> Ed

 You can usually boot without loading any modules.  Just get the kernel into
/boot, edit /etc/lilo.conf, are run it.  Reinstall the kernel modules binary
package if you want to keep using 2.2.17, or just compile 2.4.3 (or 2.2.19)
yourself.  (I think there are packages of 2.2.19, if you want to go that

 happy hacking,
#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X([EMAIL PROTECTED] , ns.ca)

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BCE

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