On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 08:16:06AM -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Using debian on a stand-alone laptop I usually work as an ordinary
> user and find somewhat awkward the fact that I have to su in order
> to shutdown the PC.  Is there a way to power my PC off as a user?

The other solution is to use `visudo' to edit the `sudoers' file. 
If you add a line like this:

     User_Alias TRUSTIES=larry,mo,curley

and then in addition:

     TRUSTIES ALL=/sbin/shutdown

the effect will be that users larry, mo and curley will be allowed to
execute the `shutdown' command by doing:

     sudo shutdown -h now

They will be prompted for a password which of course must be given
correctly before the command is executed.

Obviously you have to *really* trust larry, mo, and curley for this to
be a reasonable thing to do. But on a machine where there's only root
and you, it hardly seems like such a risk,


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