David Purton writes:
 > On Fri, 27 Apr 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 > >        Hi all,
 > >        Yesterday I upgrade an intel box to the lastest release of
 > > woody. Suddenly gdm ceases to work. Launching
 > > /etc/init.d/gdm start
 > > 
 > > nothing happens, except that the message
 > > 
 > > Starting gdm appears
 > > 
 > > Switching to the vt7, I see just a x cursor. Launching "ps aux" I see
 > > that gdm is inded running and the server X has also been start but its
 > > is marked as defunt !
 > > 
 > > This is a very serious matter, gdm login is a must because an
 > > ordinary cannot work on the console. Not me, but now I am in great
 > > trouble because I break this machine. I shouldn't mess with it, but
 > > then I like to have the latest version gnome and if I wait for woody
 > > to release it would be one year !
 > > 
 > > I finally throw away gdm and intall xdm. It works but only after about
 > > 1 minute of wait. At first, just like gdm; nothing happens, only an x
 > > cursor displayed (if you switch to vt7)
 > > 
 > > I could of course sent a bug report, but I am not sur it is really a
 > > bug of gdm or of X, because cdm seem to be affected too. But startx
 > > work fine. But the point is that I need a fix _right now_
 > > 
 > I also had this problem when I upgraded to X4.
 > I can't remember exactly what I did, but I think I changed
 > DisplayManager*authorize:  from true to false in /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config

Is it really false, that is not authorized ?

 > If this doesn't work - poke around in the archives or look for other
 > authorization stuff in the xdm setup files.

Thank. But the problem concern gdm and not xdm. And there is no
mention about authorization is the files in /etc/gdm.

I have indeed suspect that this is an authorization problem. But only
an expert could figure out what should be done (and I am not a newbee)

PHAM Dinh Tuan                         | e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Laboratoire de Modelisation et Calcul  | Tel: +33 4 76 51 44 23
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