> I've installed gamix and also gmix with gnome-media, but still ther's
> no sound.
> Furthermore alsaplayer does'nt start with a GUI, I can call it from the
> command line but it yields nos sound.
> xmms is also hanging as soon as I want to start ato play a track.
> It seems very mysterious to me. However aplay -l yields

i admit i don't know shit about alsa. only have it running
on 1 system(laptop). im replying because you say XMMS hangs
when you play a track. i have the same thing, although
it doesn't just hang, it locks up my laptop. i don't remember
off hand what soundchip(some kind of yamaha), and i am not
running unstable, but rather stable on my laptop. i can play
mp3s all day long in mpg123 but everytime i hit play on XMMS
bang, crash. i haven't tried to ssh to my laptop after such
an event(lazy), so i usually just hit the power switch. 
the mixer i use is the console mixer, i forgot the name off
hand(i symlink it to the word 'mixer' so i dont have to
remember the name :) ), i haven't tried gamix or gmix or
gnome-media or alsaplayer or aplay (see i told you i don't
know shit about alsa :) ). i originally tried alsa because
commercial OSS locked my system when using xmms, but alsa
does the same thing, i think the only advantage to alsa
in my view is that i can unload the modules if i need to,
weird that i never have been able to unload oss modules,
always gives device busy even if nothing is using it.
i use the kernel's drivers only on my ES1370/1371
cards(my favorite card for linux) and NEVER have had
a problem. works totally flawlessly. i play mp3s in
xmms all day long at work everyday and this machine
has been up for 71 days, with 30 virtual desktops
in Xfree86 3.3.6. my machine at home i play a lot of
mp3s but also unreal tournament, no reboot for 35 days,
since i reinstalled it onto an software ide raid array.

good luck .......try the OSS(kernel) drivers since its an
ess137x card. 


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