I shouldn't have to reformat your text to reply to it.  Please turn
your line wraps on.

On Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 12:21:01PM -0500, Richard Beri wrote:
> Well the cause of this seems to be a constant stream of messages
> form my cable modem that I can't silence. Something like "SPOOFED
> Packet IN=eth0 and then my MAC address and other network stuff
> including the IP address of the spoofed packet.  This is all coming
> from my cable company, I have talked to them about it but they don't
> really have any idea.  Ever since they upgraded my modem to a DOCSIS
> one, I get a constant stream d/l of ~2k.  I have a firewall
> installed, but even if I block these ports I still get the messages
> in a virtual terminal.

Are you set up like this:

CM----NAT box-------LAN

Or are you set up like this?

CM----LAN-----NAT box

I noticed a similar issue when set up using the latter method while I
was testing out a NAT setup so my roommates could still use the
net using ISP assigned IPs.  It went away when I did things the right
way (the first method).

About the transfer rates...try unplugging the cable modem, waiting
about a minute, then plug it back in.  When I used to do tech support
for @Home, this fixed a good 90% of the calls I got.  This trick also
works with elevator controllers where I work, as I discovered about an
hour ago when the damn thing crashed and kicked on the emergency
brakes with two people inside.  Seems with embedded devices like CMs
and elevator controllers, rebooting them makes them just work again.
If that doesn't work in fixing your transfer rates, call your cable
company.  Most companies take action when transfer rates drop below an average
of 50kB/sec from everywhere.

 .''`.     Baloo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian admin and user
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than to fix a system

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