On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 11:31:26AM +0800, Eric Boo wrote:
> What's the difference between adding the path to xfs-xtt's config and
> adding it to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4?

Adding to xfs-xtt's config tells xfs-xtt about them.

Adding to /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 tells Xfree4 about them.

> Does running xfs-xtt give a better look?

I tried getting xfs-xtt up and running a while ago, without much success. It
seemed (to me at least) that it didnt want to "play nice" with XFree4.
Solved the problem by removing it entirely and letting xfs (the XFree4 font
server) handle the truetype fonts.  Works like a charm.  

The font output isn't too bad, but it looks REALLY nice under KDE 2.1.1 on
my work machine (TNT2 vidcard, nv driver), although antialiasing slows X
down quite a bit. On my laptop (ATI vidcard, ati driver) I can't get KDE's
antialiasing to work at all - looks like the ati driver doesn't have AA
support just yet.


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