The short answer is no.  The long answer is I got a 386DX with similar
specs up under bo.  Look on and expect some
SERIOUS pain.  ISTR that you had to do some specialized things: I think
there was a README on lowmem, but I may be confusing things here--my 386's
MFM disk died in 1996...

On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Indraneel Majumdar wrote:

>Can anyone please tell me whether it is possible to install Debian on a
>386SX with 3MB RAM. I tried to install using the potato floppies but it
>starts to load the compressed ramdisk from the root floppy and then
>simply hangs. No furthur output. The floppies are OK and work fine on
>other systems with more RAM.
>Thanking you,

Galt's sci-fi paradox:  Stormtroopers versus Redshirts to the death.

Who is John Galt?  [EMAIL PROTECTED], that's who!

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