On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, J.A.Serralheiro wrote:

>imagine I have a dead board, and i find a used one working fine.
>Both have the same type of processor ( pentium 166 Mhz).
>do I need to reinstall?

Not normally...

>I just mounted the harddrive on the good board, but boot up sequence
>"freeing unused kernel memory bla bla"

perhaps your kernel isn't liking your new setup.  The quickest alternative
MAY be to reinstall.  The other alternative is you use a boot floppy with
as generic as possible kernel and remake your kernel.  If you're using
standard kernels, start sticking pins into a voodoo doll of Herbert Xu
(the guy who made 8 separate optimized kernels) and get the i386 kernel.

>thanks 4 your attention

YM "for" HTH :/


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