>>>>> John Kerr Anderson (JKA) writes:

 JKA> Hi, I have an IBM PC 350 w/S3 Trio 64 video chip-set running
 JKA> Debian 2.2 and kernel version 2.4.0.  I have the frame buffer
 JKA> device activated but would like a higher refresh rate than 60
 JKA> Hz.  I read the man pages for <fbset> and </etc/fb.modes> with
 JKA> no luck on how to change the refresh rate/resolution.  I noticed
 JKA> in the file </etc/fb.modes> there are several generic console
 JKA> modes.  How can I tell fbset to utilise the modes in
 JKA> </etc/fb.modes>?

Suppose you have in fb.mode:

  mode "800x600-100"

than you can try to set it for current console with the following command:

  fbset 800x600-100

or for all consoles:

  fbset --all 800x600-100
Alexander Zhuckov   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   2:5030/518.50

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