
the Debian community is the Greatest!  I thought, I was alone with my
troubles, but you hit it directly on the spot!

will trillich wrote:

> wild stab -- you do have execute permissions set, right?
>         chmod +x fileone anotherfile yet/more/files/here

This one was okay (of course :).

> you also need to add to httpd.conf
>         Options +ExecCGI
> now that i think about it...
> if yuo're doing that in .htaccess then you need to make sure that
> httpd.conf allows overrides, too.

This one wasn't.  Both were set to wrong values.

Thanks heaps.  Now I only have to get that perl script actually
working.  It says "this directory does not exist", when it does, in
fact, exist.  I guess Perl and I differ on the meaning of "_this_

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

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