On Tuesday 01 May 2001 19:54, Ron Bettle wrote:
> You will need the reiserFS utils, get these rom reisers site.

is there any reason why i should not use the packaged reiserFS utils in Sid?

also, is it 'safe' to use hdparm when having reiserfs partitions?

I'll be doing the following:

1) backup each dir and its subdirs with tar (tar cf /usr, tar cf /lib etc.. 
etc..) onto an unused vfat partition

2) rebooting the comp with a bootfloppy containing a kernel with reiserfs 
support compiled in.

3) rm -rf /usr, /lib.. etc after mounting the vfat partition which also 
contains a copy of /sbin and /bin untarred.

4) with fdisk remove /dev/hda5 (current / partition) and recreate it. 
mkreiserfs /dev/hda5

5) mount and untar the made tarballs onto the new reiserfs partition

6) cleanup fstab 

current partitioning has /home and /var on different partitions, with the 
move to reiserfs i'll first put everything on one partition to keep things 
simple and shortly after mkreiserfs the /var and /home partitions, and move 
/var and /home to their previous partitions

not exactly efficient, but simple enough to not make any large mistakes.. (i 
hope, but if something goes seriously wrong i still have everything in 
tarballs on the vfat partition)

any flaws in this game plan?

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