On Wed, May 02, 2001 at 11:16:09PM -0700, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> CD-R is a neat toy to create interesing bootable Linux :-)
> It is not reliable as HD but it will never get erased.

got some pointers you could share? say you've got a debian box
set up to Do What You Want, what steps are needed to be able to
make a CD-rom that's bootable, to behave basically in the same
way as your hard-disk setup? i imagine you could turn of logging,
or redirect it to ramdisk, or to a remote system...

what's involved? what's needed? how to proceed?

Did you know you have MORE THAN ONE CONSOLE to use? There's six,
by default: try Control-Alt-F6 to see console six, Ctl-Alt-F3 for
console 3, and so forth. (If you don't use the X window display
system, you don't need to include the control key.) Each console
can have its own login, running its own jobs. Very handy!

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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