On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 12:53:19PM -0500, Richard Cobbe wrote:
| Greetings, all.
| I've just switched to CUPS from lprng.  I've been quite happy with it;
| the web configuration interface is particularly nice.

On a slightly related note for the archives, if your printer is
almost-but-not-quite supported by cups, use the "*cupsFilter:"
extension to the PPD spec to tell cups what to filter the data
through.  For example, I discovered that one of the old printers I
have laying around still works, but the PS most programs (including
cups' test page) is too complex for it.  However, using 'ps2ps'
simplifies the postscript such that the printer functions correctly.
I added this line to the PPD and put the following shell code in
/usr/lib/cups/filter/DSH-SeikoPS1 :

*cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 DSH-SeikoPS1"


set -o errexit
INPUT=/tmp/CUPSFilter.`basename $0`.input
rm -f $INPUT || exit 1
if [ -z "$7" ] ; then cat > $INPUT || exit 1 ; else INPUT=$7 ; fi
ps2ps -dLanguageLevel=1 "$INPUT" - || exit 1
rm -f $INPUT || exit 1
exit 0

Now that printer works as well the other :-).

| Only one minor question: the best .ppd for my particular printer is not,
| so far as I can tell, included in any of the cups-related packages (at
| least in woody).  I was able to download the .ppd from the web, put it
| into /usr/share/cups/models, and add my printer; everything works fine.

That's what I did for one of my printers.  I also hard-linked it to
/etc/cups/Notes/<foo>.ppd because a fair amount of /etc is backed by
cvs and putting it there makes it easy to backup.  Note that when you
tell cups to use that ppd it makes a copy as

| I just don't much like having a local non-package file in /usr/share.
| Can cups be configured to look under /usr/local (or, I suppose, possibly
| /etc) for PPDs, or am I stuck with a non-package file under /usr/share?

That's a good question.  I haven't tried with the web interface.  I
think the "-P" option on lpadmin will take any file but I'm not
entirely positive.


Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to
look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from
being polluted by the world.
        James 1:27

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