On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 05:33:51PM -0600, Craig Jackson wrote:
> On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 16:14, Rob Weir wrote:
> > On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 12:29:33PM -0600, Craig Jackson wrote:
> > > I have a Debian woody computer with exim and qpopper. They work well
> > > using starttls. Now I want to experiment with imap using imp/horde. So I
> > > installed Cyrus-imapd using apt and libc-client2001 using apt and Mysql
> > > from source. I downloaded PHP4.3.1 and Apache 1.3.27 which I want to
> > > compile from source. 
> > 
> > How come? 
> I'm new to apt-get. I like downloading the source from the source and
> compiling it. I like knowing what options are used to compile. I'm
> having a hell of a time with this php-imap because first php4.3.1
> doesn't find the c-client libraries even though I enter the correct
> prefix and the libraries are there, then I find out kerberos has been
> compiled into c-client and I don't want Kerberos. Having control over
> our servers is important. I don't mind relinquishing some of that
> control for the base system esp because I know Debian does a great job
> with that and it will save plenty time and aggravation. But as for
> mission critical apps, I want the source installed exactly the way I
> want it. I realize that I can do this with apt-get but it seems like
> more work to learn apt-get to compile from deb-source than to simply
> download and compile from original source.

Well, 90% of the time, it's actually simpler.  e.g.
1) setup deb-src lines in your sources.list (you only need to do this
   once, ever)
2) apt-get source packagename;apt-get build-dep packagename.  This will
   download the source, untar it and patch it, then go get everything
   you need to build it (avoiding the libc-client2001 issue you're
3) Edit debian/rules to change the './configure' line to only include
   modules that you want.
4) debuild.  This builds the source and packages it.
5) install the resulting deb with dpkg.
6) Profit!

Total human interaction time: 2 minutes.

Rob Weir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                            http://ertius.org/

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