On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 12:55:15PM -0700, Steve Gran wrote:
> I have a question about getting the monitor to properly powerdown when idle.  
> Right now the box shuts off the display, but the monitor still has a 
> backlight on, and the light is green, indicating it's still getting feed from 
> the video card.  What I would lie to do is have the monitor completely go 
> black when idle, as I think that if I keep running it as is, I'm going to end 
> up prematurely frying the poor thing.  I'm running Woody on a 2.4.2 kernel, 
> and I have APM enabled in the kernel.  It's a Viewsonic monitor that has the 
> usual array of power saving features, and a Rage 128 video card.  I assume I 
> have to add a line to lilo.conf, but I'm not sure that this is the best way, 
> or the syntax for doing so.

You don't need to touch LILO.  You've got several options for doing it.
Run 'man XF86Config' and search for 'DPMS'.  Or run 'man xset' and
search for 'dpms'.  Or use xscreensaver and configure it to control

And please, please, please, wrap your lines at something like 72
columns.  Your whole message was one giant line, which made trimming it
for the reply a complete pain (that's why I didn't do it!).


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