on Sat, May 05, 2001 at 01:10:01PM -0700, Karsten M. Self 
(kmself@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
> on Sat, May 05, 2001 at 02:14:20PM -0500, Nathan E Norman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> wrote:

> > I was always taught to use a block size of 512 when {read,writ}ing to
> > floppies, and double the kByte size of the floppy to obtain the count
> > e.g.
> > 
> >   dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img bs=512 count=2880
> > 
> > I'll poke around to see if I can discover _why_ I've been doing it
> > this way for the last 5 years ... I believe the physical block size of
> > a floppy is 512 however.
> The only place I've found blocksize _really_ matters is in writing to
> tape.  I've had endless problems in my former existence as a data
> analyst, usually working with data sourced from mainframes, in which
> blocking factors were critical.  Also more recently when I'd managed to
> change the blocking factor while producing some backups to SCSI tape
> (DDS), but hadn't changed them for the following read/restore attempt.
> I don't quite understand the whole thing myself.  For dd, AFAICT,
> blocking really only matters to the extent that you want to scale your
> 'count=' value to the blocksize, and the speed and buffering resulting. 
> 512 was the traditional blocksize on a wide range of systems:  DOS, VMS,
> and many old Unix systems (OpenBSD still reports 'df' output in 512K
> blocks).
> It probably doesn't matter that you're reading in 512 byte increments so
> long as whatever you're doing is in increments of 512 bytes, hence 1024,
> 2048, 4096, 8192, etc.  The block factoring of a floppy is handled by
> the filesystem itself -- when you're imaging the disk you're bypassing
> this entirely.  Sweet spot is probably determined by kernel disk
> buffering, head speed, and memory.
> Any hardware boffins here?

Well, I ran a series of tests reading from a minix-formatted 1.4MB
floppy using different blocksizes, and flushing buffers by reading and
writing 140MB of data between tests.

Typical read was:

    time dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/tmp/fd0 bs=1024 count=1440

Flush was accomplished with:

    time dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/fdflush bs=1024 count=144000

Results are, um, suspiciously consistent.  Times in seconds.

  Blocksize      Time
  ---------     --------
       512      0:48.475
      1024      0:48.517
      2048      0:48.487
      4096      0:48.482
      8192      0:48.674
     16384      0:48.472
     32768      0:48.483
     65536      0:48.475
    131072      0:48.493

Even switching to a small and non-uniform blocksize (10) doesn't change
the results much -- a readtime of 48.517 seconds.

The odd man out is the 8192 blocksize timing, more than two standard
deviations from the mean (48.50644 seconds).  Assuming that this is the
result of a single-trial deviation, I rerun the trial and get 48.476
seconds.   A plot of time by ln(blocksize) shows no clear correlation.
[1] Correlation of time to log(blocksize) is -0.23.  Negative and low.
As the 1024 blocksize value is now an outlier, I rerun it, get 48.472
and a correlation coefficient of 0.339.   A boxplot shows all values
within two standard devations at this point.

I'm going to say that blocksize, in copying to/from floppy, probably
doesn't matter, from a performance perspective.

Stats via r-base package.


1.  I'm using ln(blocksize) to linearize this factor.  It makes
    interpretation of results somewhat simpler.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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